The P160 at First Glance

We have seen a great many cases with varying aesthetics, so it is difficult to differentiate between a theme and a normal, generalized look. Antec goes only as far as adding lighting at the front of the case, but we feel that, in this case (pun intended), they haven't really gone as far out there as some of the things that we have seen.

At the top of the P160's bezel, there is a unique auxiliary port module that rotates 45 degrees to aim wiring at a closer level to the user. Many cases feature these audio in/out, USB, and FireWire ports either at the bottom or on the side of the bezel, which limits where the case can be placed relative to the user. We feel that the top of the bezel is the best placement for the auxiliary ports since, when either placed on a desk or on the floor, the auxiliary ports are only 2 feet away from our heads. This module also features a power button on the right side as well as a smaller reset button on the left half.


To rotate the module, we press a small button on the left side to unlock it. It is not an extremely smooth motion, and we feel like it is pulling on something in the inside. We can see straight through the smoked plastic to the circuit board, on which each component lies.

The auxiliary module also has a simple, but effective, built-in temperature monitor that shows the temperature of two separate components using two sensors on the inside. The 2x1 digit display switches between the two at a set interval of about 5 seconds. The temperature can also be switched between Celsius and Fahrenheit by way of a small button switch on the inside of the case.

Moving down to the drive bays, we see that the first two 5-1/4" bays have optical bezels installed with "eject" as well as "play" and "track forward" buttons on the right with a clear strip just left of the buttons for the drive activity LEDs to shine through. The last two of the four 5-1/4" drive bezels are plain silver to match the rest of the bezel.

Below those bays, we see two vertically centered 3-1/2" bays; the first, occupied by a floppy drive bezel to match.

The bottom of the bezel consists of three vent holes, each lined on the inside with chrome paint. The vents have a black metal grill to hide the fan. Directly underneath the vents is the "Antec" name/logo molded into the plastic bezel and the bezel itself is framed by chrome painted plastic.

The only features of the left side panel are the dual 2-position locks, which secure the panel onto the case. In the vertical position, the locks hook onto the case's shell. The one at the back features a keylock design, which provides added security. Antec also provides thumbscrews at the back of the case to secure each panel.

Instead of metal or plastic feet at the bottom, Antec has installed rubber feet. For those of us with wood floors or desks, it is a great replacement and will eliminate the chances of scratches.

Index Inside the P160
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  • LX - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Will the 180's price be comparable?
  • AtaStrumf - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Nice: cables connected, screws in place :-)

    I even know now why it takes you so little time
    to put it together. Because you already have mobo, RAM, CPU, HSF assembled and everything else is already out of the box. Not a typical situation whenever I was building a PC though.

    Anyway, I have a couple of suggestions for future case reviews:

    CHIEFTEC Dragon DX-01BD-U or similar

    Thermaltake Tsunami
  • cHodAXUK - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Damn, some of the Antec P180 previews make it look damn good, think I might be upgrading soon :D
  • Live - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Nice review of a decent case for a change. Hopefully you will get your hands on the upcoming P180 as it looks to be a great case. I would love to see more reviews of Antec cases as I see them as the ones to beat. So if a case is better and cheaper then Antec case you know your on to a winner. So while you wait for the P180 and the Sonata 2 take a look at the budget SLK 3000B and the rest of the 3XXX series.
  • FearlessUser - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    I got this case from Newegg for $110 with a clear side window, the one without the window is like $15 more. And I've read many places that the case only comes with 1 120mm fan, but I got 2.
    Nice looking case, I just have to get a few more things to put the rest together.
  • cHodAXUK - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    How about a review of the Asus Vento 3600? ;)

    Have a look...

    Thinking of building a PC in one of those for my 11yr old nephew, hopefully it will be *BLING* enough for him :)
  • IKeelU - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    Nice review.

    btw do you guys plan on reviewing the lian-li V1100? I heard it's really quiet, and I wonder how it compares to this one in terms of usability, sound, and temps.
  • IKeelU - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

  • bupkus - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    #17 said: " it's price point ($115) it is by far the best constructed aluminium case around..."
    I got an all AL Cooler Master a couple years back and was floored with the quality. Unlike the P160, it was a real work of art. It was a newegg refurb so it was real cheap and flawless! ;) Of course, by today's standards, the 80mm ceiling fan just doesn't do it, but that was then.

    #18 - Ditto. Although I do like Al, I like the value I have with my Sonata as it comes with a True Power 380W PS for less than the P160 without.

    #21 - I agree about the rubber fan mounts. Yesterday, I removed the 120mm fan as it kept slipping off two of it's rubber inserts. I'm thinking of remounting with some metal screws and rubber washers from Home Depot. The fan itself vibrates more than it should, so it's not balanced very well.
  • ElFenix - Sunday, February 13, 2005 - link

    "The external look was also easy on the eyes and we believe that many will accept this model over any of the pre-mod cases that we have reviewed. "


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