Final Words

By now, the TNT2's performance is known across the world and the decision can be made as to whether or not the TNT2 is the right choice for you. If it is, and you happen to have around $130 burning a hole in your pocket, the Leadtek Winfast 3D S320 II is a perfectly fine choice for a TNT2 card. I can tell you now that the S320 II won't be the absolute best TNT2 card to grace the market, however it won't be the worst, and it's definitely not going to be something you regret for the rest of your life (unless, of course, you wanted a Voodoo3 or a Savage4 instead). The S320 II offers you everything most other upcoming TNT2 cards will, with one value added feature, it's available today.


If you can wait, however, then the wait will be well worth your time as a number of companies will be shipping their TNT products in the coming weeks. Diamond's V770 and their V770 Ultra will be hitting the streets shortly, as will cards from ASUS, Guillemot, and many others. The race for the perfect TNT2 card is just beginning, not to mention the TNT2 pricewars which will soon erupt as more and more manufacturers provide their TNT2 entires into the market. Those that are impatient (or those that are in dire need of a 3D accelerator today) will have no problem going for the S320 II, however the more patient will probably want to wait at least another week or two to see exactly what pops up.

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